Summer Swim Camps at Splash Swim School in Sligo

  • [Posted: June 11, 2018]


    At The Clayton, Sligo. 

    Week one: Monday July 2nd-Friday July 6th.

    Week two: Monday July 9th-Friday July 13th

    Week Three: Monday July 16th-Friday July 20th.

    Week Four: Monday August 20th-Friday August 24th. 


    Daily intensive lessons take place in 30 minute classes each morning. As per our regular swim classes, groups will consist of no more than four beginners or six advanced swimmers. 

    The classes will run at the following times:

    Advanced classes


    For our advanced swimmers, they must be able to swim at least five lengths of Front Crawl, Back Crawl, Breast Stroke and one length of Butterfly, demonstrating good technique. Turns, tumbles and starts and finishes will be covered during these intensive classes. Richie Evans and Brid Graham will be taking these classes on alternative weeks.

    8-8.30 – 8.30-9 – 9-9.30 – 9.30-10 – 10-10.30 – 10.30-11.00 (Beginner to Intermediate classes)

    Our beginner to intermediate classes run as per our usual classes, covering all aspects of swimming, from buoyancy and bubble blowing to the four competitive strokes, to introducing starts and finishes. 


    Lanes session €16 x 5 days €80 

    30 min lessons €12.50 per day  x 5 days €62.50

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